Welcome to the eTimes Herald News!
We are a collection of journalists, bloggers and writers who thought it was high time to have a quality publication that focuses on today’s events with an eye towards objectivity, truth, and solid sourcing.
We are choosing to present news stories and editorial commentary in a traditional format that harkens back to the golden age of newspapers, when journalists adhered to higher ideals of writing objectively, showing information from all sides, and also trying to neutrally present facts from events and situations.
The past decade has showed a steady trudging towards darkness in America, where prominent politicians who dislike how objective truth may sound have chosen to claim that reporting of actual events is in some way fraudulent. It simply is not. The writers at eTimes News Herald are not going to react to baiting and manipulative insults, but are instead going to rededicate themselves to the higher ideals of the golden age of news when the word of solid journalists could be trusted.
Aside from our idealistic goals, we also aim to have fun and to focus on news and historic items of interest.
We will always focus on quality, but we will try to make this a welcoming place for anyone who desires to get some refreshing updates about daily events, and information that is of interest in many topical areas including: Arts & Entertainment, Business, Courts & Legal News, National News, state-specific news, Health & Medical, and Technology & Internet news.